What If....
I’ve always been a bit of a dreamer. When I decided to start this website, I had no idea what I was doing. I had no clue how to construct a webpage or what features it would have. I knew at the time I needed to do something that involved writing. This project came together rather quickly. Before I knew it, I had a finished product. God is so super bad that he can gently blow on an idea and make it blossom into a beautiful existence. I tend to start projects and sometimes not finish them. It’s not because I’m lazy or I lose interest in what I’m doing, sometimes I become overwhelmed by the “WHAT IF”. As far back as I can remember, I’ve had a fear of success. When you have goals that may create a completely different lifestyle than what you have always been accustomed to, this change can create uncertainty. As humans we become uncomfortable with things that are unfamiliar. We tend to shy away from situations that we can’t explain. We even pray for God to give us these abundant blessings then we squander them. It’s not that we don’t really want or appreciate what we ask for; we just don’t know how to exist in our “new normal”. I’ve been writing for several years now. I have several unfinished books, plays, and poetry. I had a blog for a brief moment, before blogging was even a real term, with about 40 faithful followers. It was easy to manage because I controlled it and I knew my entire audience. Managing an entire website is different. You don’t have the same sense of control as you have with a smaller group. I remember when I first discovered my gift of poetry. I would write about 3 or 4 poems a day. I was excited! I joined a spoken word group, L.Y.R.I.C., at my church and I was terrified. Before I joined the group, I would attend all of their events and cheer them on from the sideline. I knew that I had a love for the artistry, as well as the ability to do it. Unfortunately, they appeared larger than life to me and I was terrified. We were members of a “Mega Church” and the thought of standing up before that size audience terrified me. When it was my turn to deliver, I chose to go up first. Before I knew it I was finished and I did a good job. I was in love with my gift and I was happy. We were traveling everywhere and I became a part of the larger than life vision that I could not imagine being a part of. I have 2 books that have been waiting for me to finish them. I put one of them down the first week of August in 2011. My goal is to finish it next month. My “what if” has turned into “it is”!!! Stay tuned for the finished project! Remember, words have power!!! Romans 4:17 tells us- As it is written, I have made you a father of many nations in the presence of Him whom He believed-God, who gives life to the dead, and calls those things which do not exist as though they did.