Day #1-The Obvious
Today I am thankful for the obvious things such as life, health strength, family, jobs, a roof over my head, etc. Many times it’s easy to be thankful for material things that we HAVE. It’s obvious to be thankful for the things that we can feel and see. Tangible things that are visible are in the forefront of our minds as soon as we look at them. How many times do we overlook our blessings? When things are no longer of any use to us, we toss them to the side. You have no idea how many old cell phones I had stored in my junk drawer because I’m always upgrading when a new phone comes out. We live in a very wasteful society. We are extreme consumers, so we buy things in excess sometimes, even when we don’t have a need for them. As I look around my home, I see abundance. My car is on the parking lot. Even when I’m exhausted, I have a means of making a more than adequate income. We’ve never missed a meal in my house. Even when things did get hard, they always worked out. I have many good people in my life. As far as I’m concerned, I am rich.