Straight, No Chaser
Today is not for the faint at heart! I’m not holding hands and tiptoeing through the tulips of hurt feelings, bruised emotions, and injured egos. We need to get it together. I understand that some of us are adult babies and we need more attention and pacification than the average newborn, but after a while it gets a bit irritating to hear people complain about the same thing and do absolutely nothing. I could respect a person more if he or she complained and still did what needed to be done to change a situation, but to never have a plan to change is utterly ridiculous. Grow up!!! Everybody has problems. Nobody has enough money. We all get to a place in life when we feel like nothing we do is ever enough. News flash, some of us don’t have the luxury of shifting our grown up plight of responsibility on someone else like the world owes us something. Again, grow up!!! Look around, your children will adopt the same whining, unmotivated, irresponsible attitude as you because that’s all that they see. Please don’t complain and chastise them when they regurgitate what you taught them. This world is not going to pacify your woes. If you had any idea how many times the average person has been knocked down and gotten back up, only to face another obstacle and had to get back up again. It absolutely gets under my skin when someone says I can’t do this and I can’t do that or I won’t work here and I don’t feel like… Do you think that anybody feels like doing most of the adult things that they have to do? Who are you? Nobody cares how you feel. Bottom line is if you truly did a timeline of your life, there should be something that gave you some sort of purpose, even if was temporary. We need to stop requesting blessings that we absolutely are not ready for. The most tragic thing in the world would be for God to bless us with the things that we asked for and we squandered every one of His blessings. In other words, stop asking for a house when you wouldn’t clean your apartment. Stop praying for a better job when you never went to work on the last 2 jobs you had. Stop praying for a mate when you treated the one you had like they didn’t exist. The reality is, your attitude when you have less, determines how much more you’ll be blessed! Before I step down off of my soapbox, ask yourselves a question. Are your bad decisions the main ingredient to all of your problems? Do yourself a favor, evict your pity party guest list from your mind, set some goals and by all means, DO SOMETHING!!!