Know your role
Faith is an action word, thus “faith without works is dead” (James 2:26). We can’t just sit back and wait for something to fall out of the sky. How do you pray for a financial blessing, when you don’t want to work? We must do OUR PART to make some things happen in our lives. Some Christians believe that because we pray and ask God for something, we are entitled to receive it, but if we don’t position ourselves properly how is that possible? Many women pray for a husband, but what have you done to prepare yourself to become a wife? To receive a suitable mate, you have to be one. If you can’t take care of your household responsibilities as a single person, then you are not ready to be a wife. Bills need to be paid, dinner needs to be cooked, and cleaning needs to be done. So do you wait for your potential husband to give you instructions on how to do this? There are some men that want a woman to play the role of wife, but they don’t understand their role as the husband. The man is supposed to be the head of the household and the woman is supposed to be his helpmeet. A woman is supposed to feel safe with her man. Bottom line, a man should never, ever come to a woman without a plan for his life. Actually, at a certain age, the plan should already be set in motion and working for him. A man should not have to be raised a second time and neither should a woman. If it was not adequately done the first time, turn in the other direction and RUN!!!!! A mate is supposed to compliment you, not build you up from scratch. A person should be whole alone. If they are incomplete alone they will be incomplete in a relationship with you. Trying to make a person over will not make them, it will break you. God is there to help us get ourselves together. We must stop praying for blessings we know we're not ready for!!! We must stop being selfish. How annoying is it when a child kicks screams, and cries for a puppy, makes all kinds of promises to take care of the puppy, but. . . . we know the end of this story. Well, as adults, we do the same thing with God. Maturity is recognizing, reevaluating, resolving, and restructuring.