Day #7-Friends
Today, I am thankful for my friends. When I say friends, I mean the ones I’ve had for 20+ years. See these are the lifers. These are the friends that you can call in a crisis, no matter what time of day or night, they will come to your rescue. These are the friends that know everything about you. They know the good, the bad and the ugly. These friends withstand the test of time through any storm. These friends will cry for you and with you. Even if you don’t talk to them for periods of time, the bond that you have with them will never, ever break. I have specific memories with my “lifers”! When I think about some of the times we’ve had, all I can do is shake my head, holla and laugh!!! We have been in each other’s lives through the death of loved ones, births of our children, graduations, marriages, divorces, financial problems, and all the other high’s and low’s that you can imagine. It’s a blessing to still have bonds that started from childhood. Now that we’re much older, certain things become more precious by default. People gravitate to things that are more authentic. With so many things in the world becoming extremely superficial, it’s refreshing to know that there’s a rich part of your life tucked away in your memory bank that you can share with someone when memories are all you have left. I am rich in every part of my life and this has always been and will always be a very special part! No matter what, I will always love my FRIENDS~FOR~LIFE~!