Day #3-Dodged A bullet
How many times have we wiped the sweat sweat off our forehead, looked up and said, "Thank You?" Well I know I have many times. Sometimes we do things that get us into scolding hot water and just in the nick of time, we get out of it. All of us have made a not so smart and very careless decision when the lack of common sense of the flesh controlled the brain in our head! It can be terrifying. We start to do the "what if" scenario. We start to rewind the tape in our mind and wish to God that we had gone a different route. Then we wait and we wait some more. We try to come up with solutions before we ever know that there is a problem. We pray without ceasing and we promise ourselves and God that we'll never do it again. Unfortunately, some of us have dodged many bullets, often playing Russian Roulette with several loaded guns. Even if this is not your story, there are things that we all have done that generated the "close call". Things like running the changing yellow light, to make it to work on time, knowing you hit the snooze button for the extra 30 minutes of sleep, is another example. "Dodging bullets" have different degrees of severity. I've heard many people say that no matter how many times they get certain medical test, they always get nervous because of the slight chance that the test may be positive based on our behavior. All test, to some degree, create a level of anxiety in most people because of the uncertainty of the outcome. Again, I'm sure we've all dodged a few bullets in our lives and for this, I am Thankful!!!!