The bible says that there is nothing new under the sun. As you read the word, you may notice many similarities in several scriptures, but sometimes the method in which things are done might differ. There are many references in the bible about sexual immortality. There are also references to same sex relationships, sexual acts as abominations and sex outside of the covenant of marriage. Not judging because I’m not God and we all have our crosses to bear, but when you lack personal discretion in your most intimate and private moments, you have crossed new boundaries of unacceptable behavior. We know right from wrong and the word does not change. We choose to do what we want regardless of what we now. Unfortunately, with the new era of modern technology and the explicit nature of many of the television shows today, it’s no wonder why the “freedom of expression” concept is out of hand. I’ve never really been a fan of public displays of affection. Personally, I believe some things should just remain private, but hugging and other appropriate gestures of affection are acceptable if done with discretion. This weekend, I was shocked and appalled. I went to an event and had a wonderful time. One of the people with me was my teenage son. While heading to the car, under the parking garage, after the concert, we heard some strange noises. As many of you may know, any type of noise is amplified under a parking garage. The noises sounded like the intimate groans of 2 females. As we walked further to my car. We witnessed 2 young ladies in the grass on the sidewalk having oral sex. They didn’t care that they were visible. They also did not care that there were hundreds of people walking by with their families, as well as law enforcement all over the area. People were stopping in disbelief that they were actually performing this sexual act out in the open. I could not understand for the life of me why they could not wait until they reached their destination, such as a car or home to do what they did. Self- respect is priceless. With all of the electronic devices that are available today, it’s pretty risky, let alone silly to chance ending up on every social networking sight on the internet. It’s sad that the importance of a positive self -image has been replaced with immediate gratification and the need for attention. When did we lose our pride and respect for others? For example, on the show, “Love and Hip Hop” the situation between Mimi and Niko is similar, but different. Mimi has allowed herself to be bamboozled into thinking that her current boyfriend Niko cares about her. Unfortunately, he does not care about her; he only loves the opportunity to get money while he’s with her. The fact that she doesn’t love herself is a bonus for him. The reality is if a man or woman loves his or her partner, he or she will not exploit them. When a person cares about you, they will protect your image as well as their own. It’s sad how the new age of “reality TV” has tainted our image of what’s appropriate and what’s not. I know that certain chemical substances such 55 substances a person consumes causes him or her to tarnish their own image in that way, there may be some other issues that immediately need to be addressed. I understand and appreciate the concept of freedom, but sometimes when there is no common sense, respect for authority, self or others; a person’s freedom is the one thing that will destroy a person. In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.--Jude 1:7