Have you ever had one of those days when it seems like nothing goes right? It seems like your life is one giant puzzle and none of the pieces seem to fit. Today’s blog title is so befitting. Monday Madness is exactly what some days seem like. Funny thing is, seems like days like this usually occur on Monday and by 9 am, you want to scream! Many times problems seem to creep up and they are never accompanied with a solution. I know that sounds strange but there are a few times when problems can be solved very quickly because the solution is easy to figure out. The unsolvable problems take more time and no matter how hard you try, you still can’t find an answer. These problems include things like financial shortage, when there’s not enough money, time management, when your schedule is tight, car repairs, when you don’t have an available mechanic. Sometimes, you need to just stop stressing, take a deep breath, say a prayer and wait. Many times we forget about the RAM IN THE BUSH! In other words, when things get tough, and it seems like you’ve run out of options, God will supply your need if you trust Him to do it. Genesis Chap. 22 vs. 13: "Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram caught by its horns. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son." I’m so thankful that he hears our silent prayers. He may not come when we want him, but....you know the rest!