I'm sure we've all heard the saying about people who ass-U-me things. It's amazing how people can have you pegged as gullible just because you choose not to entertain their antics and pull the rug from under their feet. Word to the wise, "never ass-U-me that I don't know just because I don't tell you". (Back to our regularly scheduled program, already in progress!) The worst thing that a person can do is insult my intelligence. What I've learned a long time ago is if you give someone enough rope they will tie the noose around their own neck, step up on the edge of table and, well, you know the rest. . . . Sometimes people just talk so much that they don't take the time to think first. It's funny how people from your past will seek you out and proceed to do the "pick up where we left off" thing that people often do, and assume you are still in the same place and you're the same person that you were years ago. Notice that I said someone from your "PAST"! Past means previous or former. It gives a definite indication that something was before and now it's over. Funny thing is, I know we are a little older and we may have a few lapses in memory, but the convenient amnesia is remarkable. Why is it that people can tell you everything you said, did, and felt? Unfortunately, they can't quite seen to remember the circumstances that made them a part of your past. They seem to have a difficult time recalling the information they fabricated or conveniently neglected to tell you. You soon become bombarded with accolades about how great you were. Soon after, they state their intentions for you now. Everyone has a different interpretation of something. It's almost as if they have you confused with someone else when they tell the fairytale that never was. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and ass-U-me. . . .see, there's that word again. Let's start over! I want to believe that as we get older and we encounter certain life experiences, we would all have some sort of positive growth. Sadly, some things that people say and do are not because of immaturity, they are a part of the person's character. After a few conversations with them, the content starts to sound very familiar and the motive is crystal clear. After a few minutes of interaction you start to respond with, "Ohhh, okkkk, Really-y-y, WOW", when the whole time you're thinking, R-I-I-I-I-GHT, I KNOW!" The moral of the story is don't think that just because you've changed that everyone else has. Also don't think that because you are the same, others haven't changed. Each and every one of us goes through our own process in life. We are not carbon copies of one another. If people are always searching for you where you were, they won't recognize you where you are, and won't find you where you're going!