When you see a sign that says “BEWARE” or "Danger", you know to be cautious, guarded, and to stay alert. Usually, the sign tells you what to beware of. If you’re driving and there is a dangerous winding road ahead, the sign will tell you. If you are camping, and there are falling rocks ahead, the sign will warn you of that as well. Unfortunately, there are times when there are some dangers that are unknown until danger in inevitable. There are many types of signs such as traffic, advertising, and retail. There is one type of sign that we often ignore. We are all born with intuition. This is defined as a thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning. Something that is instinctive means that we were all born with it. There are those of us that dream. Many times our subconscious minds speak words wisdom and warning, unfortunately, to interpret the message, it’s important to recognize the messenger. You must be cautious about the people that you allow to enter into your life. As children we were always told to beware of strangers. As adults, we always deliver the same message to our children. Unfortunately, we rarely practice those things that we preach because we believe that because we’re older, our ability to judge is suitable for our level of experience. In other words, we think we know it all. What we don’t realize is that none of us do. There are some things that are not so obvious to the naked eye. You can never really know another person. Everyone has things about themselves that they don’t tell. We can’t afford to be naïve and assume that people are honest for the benefit of others. Many times people tell you just enough to carry out their own agenda. Some people that we come across in this life are experts at concealing and fabricating. They make up stories about themselves to manipulate whatever situation they are currently involved in. They are “professional chameleons”. Some people are great actors and actresses and they have been perfecting the art of lying all of their life. It is important to trust your inner voice. Your inner voice is your best friend because it is usually the voice of God. One requirement to hear His voice is to have a relationship with Him. You cannot be so weighted down with the audible chaos of the world around you. How can you hear a still small voice if everything else you hear is turned up to the highest decibel? If your mind and your heart is always cluttered, you will distort the sound that is meant to protect you from the unknown. God’s voice is experienced in the spirit and most times it won’t make much sense to our brain but it speaks to us as a guide to help us understand our choices better. Proverbs 2: 1-5 My son, if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments with you, making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding; yes, if you call out for insight and you raise your voice for understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.