As much as I love to write, I must admit that I also have a fear of writing. It seems like every single time I start, I get tested in the things that I write about. I remember about a month ago, I wrote about the art of silence. Well yesterday, I was tested. It seemed like from the time I woke up, the attacks started. By 11:00am, I had a hit list. I could have given everybody on that list a piece of my mind. I didn’t feel like turning the other cheek, honestly I wanted to hit them in it. I’m not a violent person, but some people take their insults and attempts to deliberately hurt you entirely too far. People think that because you are nice, they can bully you into their agenda and treat you any kind of way. I try very hard to practice what I preach. Notice that I said try. I am a work in progress. I also realize that some things in our lives that we do create the circumstances that we currently face. I was angry. I really, really, really wanted to just scream and holler, but I kept my cool. I am a firm believer in the “Silence Is Golden” rule, but we all want to make our point and hold our position in a good argument. Sometimes it’s just not worth the stress. Many times people have issues of low self-worth and rejection that have nothing to do with you. It makes people feel very inadequate when they see you doing something that they can’t explain or they can’t do, so their only recourse is to attack you. It’s funny how people try to throw slurs in your direction when they feel like they finally did something that makes them feel worthwhile. Funny thing is, when they were down, and feeling less than sufficient, you were probably the only one that encouraged them and prayed for their life to change. Oh, how soon we forget the ones that were there. It makes me feel like being selfish. It makes me not want to encourage anybody else’s dream other my child’s dreams and my own. I realize that I cannot punish the others that are closest to me because of a few insignificant and insecure individuals that are JEALOUS of what God had entrusted me with. Yeah, I said it, “JEALOUS”! See one thing I’m not going to do is continue to sugarcoat everyone else’s issues when I’m trying to heal my own. I’m sick of feeding other peoples insecurities and when I nurse them back to health, they try to destroy me. “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”! At this point, like T.D. Jakes said, “I now have the gift of goodbye” and I mean forever! I have things to accomplish and I do not have time to do an assessment on self-doubting people who attempt to attach themselves to my future for the soul purpose of plotting my demise. Guess what? I’m on to you and it won’t work. Do not ever and I mean never, ever mess with a child of God that’s on a mission!!!! Do yourself a favor and point your loaded gun in another direction, how bout in the direction of the mirror that shows the reflection of you. In other words deal with your own inner struggles and stop pulling people into your mess and using them for target practice to heal your insecurities. Trust me, I’m sure you had them before you met me and if you don’t do the work, you’ll have them once I’m gone. I’m not going to suffer for something that I have absolutely nothing to do with. The same God that is working on me can help you. Isaiah 51:7- "Hear me, you who know what is right, you people who have taken my instruction to heart: Do not fear the reproach of mere mortals or be terrified by their insults.